The Allegiant Church

Opportunities to dig deeper and grow in your faith
Growing in Christ
Everyone has room to grow as a follower of Christ. The Way provides a wide variety of opportunities for personal growth from the newest believer to the those with years of experience.

Our Praise and Worship Ministry lead the congregation in song during weekly services and other gatherings.

The Worship Ministry’s main role is to lead the congregation in praises and worship through song to God during the Sunday Service. However, we also minister during other services, outdoor evangelism and various other events that we feel are in line with our mandate.

An Introduction To

Praise and Worship Ministry

636x636 - pexels young adults

John Doe

Praise and Worship Ministry
An Introduction To

Cell and BS Group Ministry

636x636 - pexels young adults

John Doe


Our Cell Group is a small group of people who are committed to first of all building up one another, and secondly to fulfill the great commission in reaching out to the lost. 

We meet together weekly, as well as having contact with other people throughout the week. the Cell Group is there for protection, edification, acceptance, support and communication.

The Youth Ministry is the Church’s efforts to help each & every young person grow personally & spiritually.

Youth ministry keeps focused on serving God and sharing the love of Christ through the Church’s mission and vision statement;Simply loving God, Simply loving others, and Simply making disciples.

An Introduction To

Youth Ministry

636x636 - pexels young adults

John Doe

Youth Pastor
An Introduction To

Men’s and Women’s Ministry

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Ministry’s Director

Our Men’s and Women’s Ministry exists to “Help as many people as possible become totally committed to Jesus Christ.”

Our Men’s and Women’s Ministry seeks to help men and women strengthen their walk with God and to draw closer to Him through Bible study, accountability groups, fellowship, recreation, and service together.

Our School of Ministry is a training of a young generation for ministry, recapturing a model of pastor-led schools of ministry that was closely connected with our beginning.


The School of Ministry is an inexpensive one- or two-year program that equips college age and adults to become effective Christian leaders in any field where God might call them to serve. The program provides a solid Bible education, trains in practical ministry, equips for leadership, and provides the opportunity for hands-on training with The Christian and Missionary Alliance pastors in a specialized area of ministry.

An Introduction To

School of Ministry

636x636 - pexels young adults

John Doe

An Introduction To

Service Ministry

636x636 - pexels young adults

John Doe


We are always looking for volunteers. You will find that in volunteering, you will find happiness and strength.

The Service Ministry offers everyone at The Allegiant Church the opportunity to use their spiritual gifts through acts of service for these reasons:

  • to grow as disciples of Christ
  • to come alongside those in need, love them, and meet their needs
  • to provide opportunities for fellowship within the body
Still need help? Send us a note!

For any questions, please write us at or call us on 916-383-5338

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THE ALLEGIANT CHURCH A family of believers seeking the Truth and the Life.